Friday Letter - Week 1 - 08.30.2024

August 30, 2024

Dear Parents,

We had a fantastic first week! Welcome to all the new faces who joined our Thorp family.

Please make sure you send back all required forms that were in your first day packet. This is a digital link if you have not submitted your paper copies.

Student Fees
Please make sure you pay your student fees through Aspen. Our student fees help to pay for our field trips and other necessities.

Technology Use
This year, our 7th, and 8th grade students will keep their chromebooks at school. Our repair costs last year, as well as students not bringing their Chromebooks to class have made this change necessary.  We are also limiting online assignments for our Kindergarten and 1st grade students, so their Chromebooks will also be kept at school.

Open House
This year, our Open House will be on September 11th (Grades 1-4) and September 12th (Grades 5-8) at 6:00PM. We will send out more information soon.

Afterschool Programs
We will have after school programs each quarter on the following dates:
Quarter 1:  9/16 to 10/25
Quarter 2:  11/18 to 1/17
Quarter 3:  2/10 to 3/21
Quarter 4:  4/14 to 5/23

More information coming soon.

We encourage everyone to register as a volunteer at the school. This allows parents to come in as Mystery Readers, be special guests, and participate in school functions.  Please use this link to start the process. Level 2 certification generally takes a couple of days and is needed to work inside the school. (We will need volunteers for our upcoming PTA Bookfair!)

Level 1 certification is needed for Room Parents, field trip chaperones, and overnight trips. Please email Ms. Murrell ([email protected]) with any questions.

The O.A. Thorp PTA is happy to also provide additional assistance navigating the volunteer certification process; please feel free to email them at [email protected].

If the cost of the TB screening test is prohibitive for parents wishing to be a level 1 volunteer, please email [email protected].

Room 110 by our Buddy Bench-Thank you Friends of Thorp!

Room 110 by the Buddy Bench

There is no school on Monday due to Labor Day. Have a wonderful, long weekend!

Efren Toledo


Important Links for Parents 

Thorp After-Care Sign-up

Thorp School Supply Lists

Thorp Student/Parent Handbook

Dates and Events 

All Busing Forms

Parent Portal Grade Book

Here's a handy list of people to contact when you have a question:

Main School Phone: 773.534.3640.
Text: 312-600-7112.
General Questions: [email protected]
Principal - Mr. Efren Toledo: [email protected]
Assistant Principals
Rebecca McNally: [email protected]
Natalie Schoonewolff: [email protected]
Attendance Notes: Ms. Sherice Murrell - [email protected]
Busing Information: Transportation Dept. Phone: (773) 553-2860
After-school Thorp Care and E-Pay: Ms. Maria Sanabria - [email protected]
Enrollment Questions: Ms. Kris Limanni - [email protected]
School Nurse: Genevieve Kelley - [email protected]
Diverse Learners: Melvina Maisonet [email protected]
(773) 534-3871

Useful Links:
Teacher Classrooms and Email List
Friends of Thorp
Thorp PTA
