Language Arts-Blair/Paulson/Alvarez HR- B1 Assignments

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Your Thorp Legacy in Google Classroom

Your Thorp Legacy

Directions: Make a creative visual representation of the legacy you are leaving behind at Thorp.


Legacy of the Holocaust - Group Project
 in Google Classroom

Legacy of the Holocaust - Group Project

Open and read the document attached: Legacy of the Holocaust - Group Project.
We will work on this in class this week.
Email me if you have questions.


Reading Quiz: Gertrud's Story in Google Classroom

Reading Quiz: Gertrud's Story

While and after carefully reading Gertrud's story ("Chapter Two: Gertrud: Hold Yourself True and Strong" from We Must Not Forget: Holocaust Stories of Survival and Resistance), complete this reading quiz.


Grad Poem in Google Classroom

Grad Poem

When you are finished with the Graduation Poem (that you started with Ms. Paulson on Tuesday), please upload it here.


Historical Figure's Legacy in Google Classroom

Historical Figure's Legacy

Read and follow the directions on slides 1-3.


Annotated Articles in Google Classroom

Annotated Articles

Submit the annotated copies of your two articles here.

If you annotated paper copies, take a picture of the annotated articles and submit that.


Advice Letter - Final Draft in Google Classroom

Advice Letter - Final Draft

Make sure that it is a page long when double spaced. Proofread it for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization before submitting.


Advice letter rough draft due Monday in Google Classroom

Advice letter rough draft due Monday

By Monday, you should have 1 full page of advice.
You will have some time on Monday to type and proofread before turning it in.


Essay Draft in Google Classroom

Essay Draft


Essay Outline in Google Classroom

Essay Outline

The body paragraphs portion of this outline will be completed by the end of class Friday.


LA Assignment for Students in Algebra in Google Classroom

LA Assignment for Students in Algebra

1. Complete the Correcting Fragments worksheet (Mr. Loza or Mr. Alvarez will give it to you).
2. Make sure you turned in your thesis and topic sentences assignment on Google Classroom.
3. In the assignment called "Essay Outline," copy and paste your thesis and topic sentences into your outline.
4. Find your 4 quotes and copy them into your Essay Outline.

You can ask to come over to 306 if you need help.
Your Essay Outline should have all 4 quotes in it by tomorrow.


Thesis and Topic Sentences in Google Classroom

Thesis and Topic Sentences

Write your thesis and topic sentences in the attached document. This is due at the beginning of class Wednesday.


Recapping 12th Night in Google Classroom

Recapping 12th Night

You can work on this assignment in partners or on your own.

In this assignment, you will be recapping (summarizing) all the important events of 12th Night so far. You will choose one of the two assignments below. In recapping the play, make sure to include each of the following story lines:
Viola arriving in Illyria, connecting with Duke Orsino, and her involvement with Olivia
The silly drama involving Maria, Sir Andrew, Sir Toby Belch, Malvolio, etc.
Sebastian's rescue by Antonio and arrival in Illyria
Choice 1: Skit Script
- Write a script for a "Previously On: Twelfth Night" (see example YouTube video for reference). Imagine that you are catching your audience up on what they've missed if they haven't been watching the play so far. How would you condense the most important plot points of the 3 story lines mentioned above into a skit?

Choice 2: Comic Strip
- Illustrate and color a condensed comic strip version of 12th Night so far. Again, make sure that your comic strip includes the most important plot points so far of the 3 story lines mentioned above. The comic strip should show effort, be attractive, and be colorful.

Rubrics for both assignments are attached. Make sure to review the rubrics before you turn in your final product. This is due at the end of class Friday.


Choose Your Own Shakespearean Adventure in Google Classroom

Choose Your Own Shakespearean Adventure

Open the attached assignment directions. There are 3 options, and you will choose 1 to complete. You may work on this with a partner. It is due at the beginning of class on Friday (but we will only be working on it in class today / Monday).


IAR Practice - Non-Fiction in Google Classroom

IAR Practice - Non-Fiction

Today, you will be completing the ESSAY PORTION of another practice IAR test. You will have 45 minutes.
Below are all of the step-by-step instructions you will need to get to the essay portion. It is very similar to what we did last week. YOU CAN DO IT! :)

Open the link below.
Clink on the choice for English Language Arts.
Choose Grade 7.
Choose Computer-Based Unit 2.

Enter your name. Click Start and again click Start.
To get right to the essay questions (where you can read both articles and watch the video):
Click Review at the top of the page.
Select Question 9.

On the left side, you will see 3 tabs.
Read Energy Story.
Watch Hands on Science with Squishy Circuits.
Read "Conducting Solutions."

Use a blank piece of paper to organize your thoughts (pre-writing).
Write your essay in the space provided.

When finished:
Click the blue right arrow.
Select Submit Final Answers.

Click Print This Page.
Destination should say Save as PDF.
RENAME it - Nonfiction IAR.
Click save.
Make sure it saves to your Google Drive.
Upload the PDF to this assignment.
If you cannot figure out how to save as a PDF and upload to this assignment: 
Copy the text of the essay and paste it into a Google Doc. Upload that Google Doc to this assignment.


Newsela - Practice Finding Main Ideas and Details in Google Classroom

Newsela - Practice Finding Main Ideas and Details

Read the attached Newsela article (about Daylight Saving Time) carefully.
You do not have to complete a Newsela quiz.
Complete the attached Main Ideas and Details Chart that asks you to find the main idea and at least 2 supporting details for each section of the article.


IAR Practice - Again in Google Classroom

IAR Practice - Again

Today, you will be completing the ESSAY PORTION of another practice IAR test. You will have 45 minutes.

Open the link below.
Clink on the choice for English Language Arts.
Choose Grade 7.
Choose Computer-Based Unit 1.
Enter your name and Start.
There are 2 passages within this test. Read the first passage, and skip all the multiple choice questions until you get to the second passage.
Read the second passage, and skip all the multiple choice questions until you get to the essay prompt.
Write the essay. (Use scratch paper for pre-writing.)
Submit your work.
Save your results as a PDF.
Upload your results to this assignment.


Grade your original IAR practice essay. in Google Classroom

Grade your original IAR practice essay.

When we took the practice IAR a few weeks ago, you wrote an essay response. Go back and re-read your response (you can find it in the assignment you turned in on Google Classroom for Practice IAR). Then, score it with the IAR grading rubric.

Here, tell me:

How many points you gave yourself (between 0-8)
How can you improve?


12th Night Character Quiz in Google Classroom

12th Night Character Quiz

We will be having a character quiz on Tuesday.


*Monday, March 6* in Google Classroom

*Monday, March 6*

Please complete the following, in order. If you do not finish in class, please complete for homework.

1. Finish the Literary Analysis that we started in class on Friday. *You should not spend more than 15-20 minutes completing this. If you are not finished with it after 20 minutes, move on to #2 and finish the Literary Analysis for homework.*

2. In your reading notebook, copy down this definition of THEME: A statement that expresses a universally true idea. It is a complete sentence, and it is a general statement that can be applied to various situations: it is not specific only to the story you are reading.

3. Under the definition, write at least one theme that you have found from 12th Night so far.

4. Find and write down one piece of textual evidence (a quote from the play) that shows the idea of that theme. Include the citation.

5. Read 12th Night, Act 2, Scene 4. Read the translated side (right-hand pages).
6. Study for your Character Quiz tomorrow!

Use the link below to study!


12th Night Character Literary Analysis in Google Classroom

12th Night Character Literary Analysis

We worked on this in class on Friday. If you were absent, please check in with me about it when you return.


Act II, Scenes 1 and 2 Reading Questions in Google Classroom

Act II, Scenes 1 and 2 Reading Questions


"How Should I Play This Role?" - 12th Night Mask Activity in Google Classroom

"How Should I Play This Role?" - 12th Night Mask Activity

I gave this assignment sheet out in class today. We will work on it tomorrow during class. It is due Friday.


Formative: Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14 in Google Classroom

Formative: Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14

1. On Google Classroom, open Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14.
2. Read all directions as you go.
3. Read each of the 4 passages and answer the questions that follow each passage.
4. Put your answers to the questions in this Google Quiz.

* You may either flip back and forth between the PDF and this quiz, or you can answer the questions on a piece of paper and then put your answers into the quiz. *

This counts as a formative grade.

Please submit this assignment when you are done.


RETAKE (optional) - Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14 in Google Classroom

RETAKE (optional) - Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14

The directions below are the same. You can earn back half of a point for each correct answer on this retake that was originally wrong.

1. On Google Classroom, open Main Ideas, 9-14 and Details, 9-14.
2. Read all directions as you go.
3. Read each of the 4 passages and answer the questions that follow each passage.
4. Put your answers to the questions in this Google Quiz.

* You may either flip back and forth between the PDF and this quiz, or you can answer the questions on a piece of paper and then put your answers into the quiz. *

This counts as a formative grade.

Please submit this assignment when you are done.


Formative: Vocab & Context Clues, 1-8 *RETAKE* (optional) in Google Classroom

Formative: Vocab & Context Clues, 1-8 *RETAKE* (optional)

The directions below are the same. You can earn back half of a point for each correct answer on this retake that was originally wrong.

1. On Google Classroom, open Context Clues Formative Practice 1-8.
2. Read all directions as you go.
3. Read each of the 3 passages and answer the questions that follow each passage.
4. Put your answers to the questions in this Google Quiz.

* You may either flip back and forth between the PDF and this quiz, or you can answer the questions on a piece of paper and then put your answers into the quiz. *

This counts as a formative grade.

Please submit this assignment when you are done.


Formative: Vocab & Context Clues, 1-8 in Google Classroom

Formative: Vocab & Context Clues, 1-8

1. On Google Classroom, open Context Clues Formative Practice 1-8.
2. Read all directions as you go.
3. Read each of the 3 passages and answer the questions that follow each passage.
4. Put your answers to the questions in this Google Quiz.

* You may either flip back and forth between the PDF and this quiz, or you can answer the questions on a piece of paper and then put your answers into the quiz. *

This counts as a formative grade.

Please submit this assignment when you are done.


Literary Analysis Practice in Google Classroom

Literary Analysis Practice

Complete the Analysis Pre-Writing section of the Literary Analysis Practice you received in class (a copy is attached here as well).


*Monday, Feb. 13* in Google Classroom

*Monday, Feb. 13*

Hi, 8th grade.

I will not be at school today, but I should be back tomorrow. Here is what I would like you to do today:
Sustained silent reading - 30 minutes
Read and annotate Act I, Scene 4 on your own (it's only 2 pages!) - you can read the translated version.
Add anything you learn to your charts.
Complete the Newsela Shakespeare article and quiz (posted as another assignment on Google Classroom).
Thanks for your cooperation! See you tomorrow.


Newsela: Shakespeare in Google Classroom

Newsela: Shakespeare

Read the following Newsela article, then complete the Newsela quiz.


IAR Practice in Google Classroom

IAR Practice

Take the practice IAR test.
When you get your results, click to "print," but change the printer to "PDF."
Upload the PDF of your results to this assignment.


Act 1, Scene 1 Reading Questions in Google Classroom

Act 1, Scene 1 Reading Questions

Open this document and follow the directions in the document.


Shakespeare - Digital Escape Room in Google Classroom

Shakespeare - Digital Escape Room

Please visit the following website to complete the Shakespeare Digital Escape Room:


When you finish, you will need to show me your final screen.


Elements of Drama Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Elements of Drama Vocabulary

Look up each of the terms on the attached document. 
(Suggested website: - make sure wherever you look up the terms, you are finding a definition that relates to literature.)

Copy each word and their definition into your reading notebook. Take and upload a picture of your terms and definitions in your notebook. I should be able to see that all 11 are included.


Animal Farm Final Project in Google Classroom

Animal Farm Final Project

There are 2 Google Slides presentations attached. 
The presentation called "AF Final Project" explains the directions for your final project and gives example slides.
The presentation called "Allegory in Animal Farm - Final Project" is where you will be completing YOUR project.
Since you may work with a partner, you only have to complete 1 presentation per partnership. If you are not the one submitting a presentation, please write a comment on the assignment saying who you worked with and "submit" the assignment. Make sure everyone's name is on the actual presentation.


Animal Farm - Theme in Google Classroom

Animal Farm - Theme

* A theme in literature is a statement or lesson about life. It is a universal truth that can be applied to general situations - it is not specific to one book *

What is one theme you and your partner identified in Animal Farm?


Hypocrisy, Lies, Dishonesty in Animal Farm in Google Classroom

Hypocrisy, Lies, Dishonesty in Animal Farm

1. Copy a quote from chapter 8 that shows an example of hypocrisy, lies, dishonesty (use quotation marks, correct capitalization and punctuation, and include the page number).

2. Explain how this quote shows hypocrisy or dishonesty or is a lie.


Propaganda Partner Slideshow Presentation in Google Classroom

Propaganda Partner Slideshow Presentation

Submit please.


Christmas Break Scrapbook in Google Classroom

Christmas Break Scrapbook


Animal Farm Chapter 6 and 7 Questions in Google Classroom

Animal Farm Chapter 6 and 7 Questions

1. How much work are the animals now doing? 
2. Why does Napoleon decide to engage in trade with neighboring farms? 
3. How do the animals react? 
4. How is the windmill destroyed? Why does Napoleon blame Snowball? 
5. Why does Napoleon insist the windmill must be rebuilt immediately? 
6. Why does Napoleon order that the hens’ eggs be sold? 
7. How does Napoleon react when the hens’ rebel against his orders? 
8. Why does Napoleon revive the threat of the farm being sabotaged by Snowball? 
9. Explain why the animals confessed to being traitors. Or is there any explanation? 
10. Why does Napoleon order the animals to stop singing “Beasts of England?”


New Years Writing Assignment  in Google Classroom

New Years Writing Assignment

Grade Planner New Years Resolution

Using your grade planner you completed you will be writing a new year's resolution for yourself in the coming part of the school year.

Role- Yourself in the present
Audience- Your Futures self
Format- Paragraph form/ speech to yourself
Topics- Include the components listed below:
What is your grade goal, the grade you want to receive for EACH of the four classes listed in the grade planner?
Describe, at least 2 ways, what you will do to reach this goal for EACH of your classes, roughly one sentence, use your grade planner for ideas on what to include for each class
What are 2 things that you have done well thus far this school year you plan to keep doing? (two total over all)

Feel free to highlight each of these things to make sure they are included in your writing, you will be graded on your format, as well as including all these components.


Animal Farm Chapter 3 Questions in Google Classroom

Animal Farm Chapter 3 Questions

1. What was the first harvest like after the rebellion? 
2. Who didn’t do any of the hard work and why? 
3.  Which animal was doing an enormous amount of work? What did the other animals think of him? 
4. Describe how the animals felt after the first harvest. Had the work habits or behavior of all the animals
changed after the rebellion?  
5. What was Snowball’s and Napoleon’s relationship like? 
6. What did Napoleon do with the nine puppies? Why do you think he did this? 
7. Who was drinking the milk? Who were the windfall apples for? How did the others feel about this?
What did Squealer say that made the animals who didn’t get to eat the windfall apples satisfied?


World Cup Gingerbread Person in Google Classroom

World Cup Gingerbread Person

Must include: occupation, religion, hobby, dwelling, meal, transportation, 1 holiday, name, flag, 1 dialogue bubble (appropriate language), clothing


Animal Farm Poster in Google Classroom

Animal Farm Poster

Complete your poster with the following animals/people attached: Mr. Jones, Old Major, Boxer, Clover, Benjamin, Moses, Muriel, Mollie, Dogs.  You also need to include a description of each animal/person from the text.


Science Fair Final Paper in Google Classroom

Science Fair Final Paper

Please look at the rubric your group received from a teacher/administrator or the comments made on Google Classroom on one of your papers.  Make the necessary changes and submit your final paper for a FINAL GRADE on the Science Fair GC.  This grade will show during your Q2 second half of progress reports.


Q2 Freewrites in Google Classroom

Q2 Freewrites

9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4 


Russian Revolution Causes in Google Classroom

Russian Revolution Causes

SKIP SLIDES 3, 11-14


Allegory Analysis: Slaying the Climate Dragon in Google Classroom

Allegory Analysis: Slaying the Climate Dragon

Read the following short story:

Complete an allegory analysis on the story.  The chart is attached for you to fill out.


Allegory, Parable, Myth, or Fable? in Google Classroom

Allegory, Parable, Myth, or Fable?

Read the following stories and fill in the chart (attached):
The Ant and the Grasshopper
The Obstacle in our Path
Pandora's Box (pdf- you only need to read pages/slides 2-3)
The Sneetches


HS Prep- Punctuation in Google Classroom

HS Prep- Punctuation

Take notes with examples on slides 11-15. 


HS Prep- Punctuation in Google Classroom

HS Prep- Punctuation

Take notes on Slide 2 with examples. 


HS Prep- Capitalization in Google Classroom

HS Prep- Capitalization

Take notes on slide 3 (include examples).  You do not need to take the practice exam.


Rough Draft Builder- COMPLETED in Google Classroom

Rough Draft Builder- COMPLETED

Please submit your Rough Draft Builder for Science Fair.  This is the doc that Mr. Mackie created and it should be complete. 


Sci Fair Intro Paragraph in Google Classroom

Sci Fair Intro Paragraph


Sci Fair B3 Organizer in Google Classroom

Sci Fair B3 Organizer

How does your experiment connect to the bigger picture?


Sci Fair B2 Organizer in Google Classroom

Sci Fair B2 Organizer[number]=1&page[size]=25


Sci Fair B1 Organizer in Google Classroom

Sci Fair B1 Organizer[number]=1&page[size]=25


"How a Boy Becomes a Greasefire" in Google Classroom

"How a Boy Becomes a Greasefire"

Answer the following question in your notebook: how does a minor character affect the theme of a story?
Use specific examples from the story (example: think of a minor character, identify the message of the story, explain how the character helps achieve that theme)


Q1 Freewrites Check-In  in Google Classroom

Q1 Freewrites Check-In

8/26, 9/2, 9/9, 9/16
Composition notebook- 1 full page
Spiral notebook- 3/4 of a full page


Ookabooka Land Summary in Google Classroom

Ookabooka Land Summary

Finish reading "Ookabooka Land" on page 137.  Complete a who/what/when/where/why/how table and write a 5-7 sentence summary.


Narrator/P.O.V. in Google Classroom


#1-15 in notebook- you do not need to explain, choose from 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person and 3rd person omniscient