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Comprehensive Health, Physical Education and Sexual Education Curriculum Resources

Physical Education & Health Education

Physical education and health education are components of the Healthy CPS Instruction badge. CPS aims to ensure students are provided with high-quality instruction that motivates and enables students /to maintain and improve their health, prevent disease, and reduce health-related risk behaviors.

Physical education is an academic subject that provides a planned, sequential, K-12 standards-based curricula and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge and behaviors for healthy, active living and physical fitness. Physical education is distinct from physical activity integrated throughout the school day.

The CPS Physical Education Policy requires that all students in grades K-12 receive daily physical education. Learn more about the PE Policy requirements for each school level.This policy also sets standards for high quality physical education programs for the district.

Research shows that students receiving high quality physical education show:

  • Improved Brain Function: Physically active students scored higher in reading comprehension with just 20 minutes of physical activity.
  • Improved Test Scores: Active students scored higher on standardized tests.
  • Improved Behavior: Disciplinary action among students and suspensions decreased by 50-60% when PE was offered for 5 days per week.
  • Improved Health: Regular physical activity led to better health, fewer diseases and improved mental health.

For more information, download  The Movement Movement CPS PE Strategic Plan and the complete CPS Physical Education Policy.

Sexual Health Education

The CPS sexual health education curriculum builds a foundation of knowledge and skills for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. To help students make informed decisions and safe choices, the CPS curriculum covers topics such as human development, healthy relationships, decision making, abstinence, contraception and disease prevention.  According to the CPS Sexual Health Education Policy requires the following:

  • Schools must teach sexual health education every year (300 minutes/year in k-4th grade and 675 minutes/year in 5th-12th grades).
  • Every school MUST have two trained instructors who have completed the district’s instructor training.
  • The CPS curriculum is medically accurate, age appropriate, and comprehensive.  It is also aligned with the National Sexuality Education Standards.
  • Schools must provide at least three forms of notification – at least one in writing – to inform parents/guardians that instruction will take place. Per Illinois state law, parents/guardians have the right to opt out their children.
  • CPS views parents/guardians as the primary educators of their children for sexual health.

For more information, download the CPS Sexual Health Education Policy (Spanish).

Sexual Health Education Resources:

Comprehensive Health Education

Comprehensive and Coordinated Health Education (CCHE) enables students to establish and practice health-enhancing behaviors over a lifetime in order to become healthy, successful adults. CPS Office of Student Health and Wellness offers CPS-specific scope and sequence and subsequent curriculum. Topics that can be taught include:

  • Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Healthy Eating*
  • Mental and Emotional Health
  • Personal Health and Wellness
  • Physical Activity*
  • Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Sexual Health*
  • Tobacco
  • Violence Prevention

*Indicates required components of CCHE by CPS Board Policy (Sexual Health Education and Local School Wellness policies). 

Office of Student Health & Wellness
[email protected]
42 W. Madison Street
Chicago, IL 60602